What To Expect
The Vocal Boot Camp and Hourly Private Lessons provide instruction on proper use of the voice for musical and emotional expression, performance, vocal strength, stamina and longevity, self confidence and overall physical and mental health. And, its fun! Not only are students learning proper voice technique, we sing for the joy of it!
Among the many health benefits, singing is a powerful means of relieving stress through healthy breathing and oxygenation of brain cells. Singing triggers the release of endorphins, stimulates the thyroid gland, exercises the heart and lungs, assists in detoxification of cells throughout the body, develops abdominal and back muscles, and improves posture. Singing instruction creates awareness of the body, its’ anatomy and functions.
Conscious singing and the living breath can help you heal and balance the self, creating greater efficiency, confidence, longevity and happiness in your life.
Students who deal with stress, depression, physical pain or trauma find guidance and often a certain level of relief from their individual challenges. Addressing “perfect” vowel and consonant formation aides students who speak English as a second language with standard pronunciation of English.
The class offers group singing, which is enjoyed by all participants. All appreciate and benefit from the personal attention afforded by Jaime, the instructor, and the warm and supportive, bonding atmosphere of the course in general.
This course appeals to all ages. The age range of Jaime's students is 16 to 80 years!
Jaime teaches students who wish to sing for the love of it, professionals, amateurs, choir members, those who experience strain when singing and seek a remedy, Karaoke performers who want to improve, younger “newbies”, older folks whose time is freeing up to explore new fields of endeavor and satisfy their “bucket lists” and more. ALL ARE WELCOME!